Perhaps he inherited his money, and has done nothing of value in his life. 或许他的钱是继承得来的,一生中并未做任何有价值的事情。
However, the configuration handler for this section will always write out the mode based on the current inherited value when writing this section. 但是,本节的配置处理程序在写入本节时,将始终基于当前继承的值写出模式。
But whatever culture they have inherited, since long, traditionally, is very much ingrained in them and to them the moral value system is the highest, more than money or power. 但无论他们继承何种文化,从古远来的,从传统来的,都在他们里面根深蒂固,对他们来说,道德价值观是最高的,高于金钱和权力。
In colonial time the relationship between indigenous law of Ghana and exotic western law was complex, after independence Ghana inherited the legal heritage of the Protectorate British and stressed on excavating the value of indigenous law, so the process of legal modernization is tortuous. 殖民时期加纳本土法与外来的西方法之间关系错综复杂,独立后的加纳继承了宗主国英国的法律遗产,重视发掘固有习惯法的价值,其现代化历程可谓曲折发展。
I suppose urban literature inherited the view of female in church literature in a high degree and represented the aesthetic temperament and value idea, in a sense, urban literature was a rebellion to chivalric literature. 笔者认为,城市文学在很大程度上继承了教会文学的女性观,在某种意义上说是对骑士文学的一种反叛,代表了新兴的市民阶层的审美情趣和价值理念。
The founders of scientific socialism, Marx and Engels critically inherited 19th century utopian socialist theories and ideas, discussing the historical inevitability, the pursuit of value, preconditions, the main content, and other issues of social harmony. 科学社会主义的创始人马克思、恩格斯批判地继承了19世纪空想社会主义者的理论和主张,论述了和谐社会实现的历史必然性、价值追求、前提条件、主要内容等问题。
Facing the changing internal and external environment, corporate must actively or passively improve its inherited information, which is comprehensive-based corporate value. 面对企业内部和外部环境的变化,企业需要主动或被动地改变企业自身携带的遗传信息,即基于默会知识的企业价值观的改变。
Chinese freehand brushwork figure painting has inherited the Chinese traditional culture essence and intentionality is exactly the reflection of Chinese unique aesthetic value. 中国写意人物画继承了中国传统文化的精髓,意象特征的表现体现了中华民族独特的审美价值。
As the spiritual product, the software value includes three parts: the newly created value, the inherited value and the transferred value. The utility becomes the primary decisive factor of software value. 作为精神产品,软件价值包括新创造的价值、继承价值和转移价值等三部分构成,效用成为决定软件价值量的最主要因素。